To play that style you need the type of player who has both heart and energy.

I have a piece of video somewhere at home from the end of my own Sunday League career and I was about 42 at the time.

I pick the ball up in my own half, spread it wide to my brother on the right wing and it’s me who arrived first at the near post to meet his cross and lift it over the keeper for our centre forward to finish at the far post.

If I could do it at 42 I can’t work out why pro players are incapable of busting a gut to make runs from deep into the box.

Look at Ronaldo’s goal v Germany the other night, he wins the defensive header in his own box and 15 seconds later he’s finishing the move with a tap in at the other end.

He outran every teammate in a 100+ yard word, desire.

All the greats have it, Roy Keane was the best midfielder I’ve seen live in the last 35 years, the guys heart and desire was total.

You have no chance playing this style with Livermore, Sawyers, Zohorre and others.

Just because a player is quick like Diangana it doesn’t mean he’s a fit for a high pressing style, you need intelligence in players to play this and he shows no signs that he has the mental capacity.

At the very least you need players who will give everything like Megson’s lot did.

I wouldn’t trust our present lot.