Quote Originally Posted by ozleeds View Post
I said he won't be missed. that anyone cared part was followed by the club doing everything they could for him to stay hence I couldn't care less and I also thanked him as he gave his all for crying out loud. Some people saying he left cause he wants first-team football? what the hell was he playing last season. Some like me think it's money but who really knows?
As if the Barca Lad is as good as they make him out to be will he be missed? So where in that do you think I'm picking a fight?
What he did last season was never going to be what he would be doing next, that's as plain as nose on face. He knew, just like most of us knew, that LB was a position that the club hadn't properly addressed, and Alioski was always a square peg in that particular round hole, and would be relegated to squad player once a "proper" LB was recruited. There's a suggestion in another post that he was waiting to see if the Firpo thing happened, it has, and Alioski leaving reflects that desire NOT to be a bench warmer no matter what the financial package he gets or wherever he goes.

He will be missed, just like Berardi and Hernandez, and like them not, not just because of his playing contributions, no matter how good Firpo is.