The other board is buggered at the minute so I’ll post on here.

I simply ask a question about info I’d seen saying some trust members think there’s unscrupulous people in the club and send some info to the mods to verify the question. This was after someone close to me heard the same thing from Billy in his shop after a discussion.

Not once have I been contacted for any other question I’ve asked but I was this. I was then asked for a meeting with Jack and Kyle of the trust.

Meeting was great and good. Afterwards I get asked to send info, I sent a little and no issues.

But I get sent the below:

“ Thanks for sending the screenshot before. Billy has asked if you would be up for sending more of it, IE - something that shows names etc. I know you want to protect identities etc, but Billy doesn't want to comment on it, unless there's more in the proof, if you know what I mean?”

Now my feelings changed to that I was being buttered up to provide the info. I also felt Jack was doing the dirty work?

Honest replies, am I being harsh for saying Jack was doing dirty work?
Do you think I was being buttered up to just provide the details?

I’ve had all sorts of accusations that ima attention seeker or keyboard warrior but I’m really not. I just want an answer to a question.

Also the trust aren’t supposedly happy I ask too many questions and they can’t supposedly breathe. If they were good in the first place and told us stuff I wouldn’t need to ask questions