Quote Originally Posted by 57vintage View Post
I’ll keep my eye on the level of the Ponchartrain if maximum pishage ensues as you predict.

Have you read The Axeman’s Jazz, NOLA Red? It’s a good yarn around an actual reign of terror in the city when Louis Armstrong was a loon. Nae bad, although I think the author was as keen to display his knowledge of Delta geography as he was to tell the tale.

A Confederacy Of Dunces, however, is utter puerile pish. Fact.

We should have been in your city in May 2020. ****ing jandies. Booooo.
I have not but I’ve certainly spent enough years living in this city to have experienced my fair share of jazz and undoubtedly enough potential axe murderers. There’s a ubiquity of characters nefarious or otherwise residing in the quarter that validates the narrative in a Confederacy Of Dunces.

The Ponchatrain remains stable. No urine related levee breaks as yet.