I have posted this before but feel its still a topic of conversation having had updates from Purslow.
So Purslow states VP will be expanded within 2 to 10 years.....Ten years?? I do not get this, we have 13,000 on stand by for ST with every game to be a sell out with over 10k vying for match day scraps including me.
With all this talent coming in and us on the up, surely the time is right to once and for all get rid of that North stand, not only does it let the look of the ground down but it is just not up to modern day standard when you consider Seat space, Toilets, and catering.....stuck in the eighties and smacks of old Deadly penny pinching.
Can you imagine 60k down VP now, wow and we would sell out plus giving the casual supporter a realistic chance of actually obtaining a ticket.
Any updates on what Purslow said?