Many years ago I found a brick amongst rubble, when leveling my back garden, that was stamped
'' D&S CLARKE ROTHERHAM'' recently got to wondering where the factory actually was.

I've been doing a few on line searches and found a blog site ''UK named bricks'' that states D & S Clarke are recorded at Greasborough Road, Masborough, Rotherham in Kelly's & Whites Trade Directories from 1893 to 1935.

I've got a few reproduction old ordnance survey maps of various parts of Rotherham covering this period and on the Eastwood and Parkgate works one dated 1901, there seems to be a ''Rotherham sanitory tube and brickworks close to a clay pit which kind of makes sense, and a brick kiln shown shown near Car House Colliery. Anybody know if the Clarke factory was anywhere near here.