China has announced it will build more coal mines not less, because of the power crisis. I expect Greta Thunberg to go and make faces at them.

I expect the climate protesters to block Chinese roads. Germany has no intention of closing coal mines. Meanwhile in Britain........

We are cooked as a species, i mean we are cooked, with heat, and will be soon. The original forecast of 2040 being the end will come quicker. Nero fiddled while Rome burnt. Cambridge Uniteds sub committee on raving lunacy continues unabated, in their hateful world.

What may happen is that some scientist will come up with a way of scrubbing the air. Im sure the Americans with help from the aliens up there, already know how to do it.

If you think im as barmy as right wing Cambridge United controlling and cancelling stuff, then think again. They are up there.

But are we worth saving.......? We will be if we warrant it from Mr Big. We should sack or beam up all the worlds leaders, and put grandmas in charge, who only want to knit.

Max of Burnt Fen.