OK guys, Ah did say Ah wis holdin back til we get a cup game, but Ah realise there's a dire need for a wee bit extra required in the potential personal cheer department .... and so ... This is a one off league game comp ...

As usual, you can nominate ONE player you believe likely/capable of putting the ball in the net for the good guys during our relegation struggle game v junkie central(Sat Oct 23)

The Melon and Apple wine will go to the the radge who chooses the scorer of the first Dons goal.

..... bonus if we actually fkn WIN ... Ah'll gie the same radge anither bottle ... maist likely a younger Bramble Wine which will be fine tae drink noo, but will be better kept a wee while.

Winner(s) to organise to collect in person, or have another collect on their behalf from Aberdeen city centre.

In order tae enjoy playin like abody else, Ah'll mak a choice .. but nae until at least 3 ithers have made theirs.

... G'on 'en ... ye ken fit tae dae