.... the slogan that will win the next General Election.

But on the respected worldometers website there is a daily updated table of all things Covid
worldwide. Within the continent of Europe the UK's Covid record is bettered by 32 countries.

There is an ongoing total for each country of Covid deaths since the beginning of it.
To compare like with like this is based upon the number of Covid deaths per million of population.
There are 32 countries in the continent of Europe that have fewer deaths per million of population
than the UK has.

Considering that there is only Germany in Europe that has a more substantial and sound economy
than the UK this has been a dreadful performance by the government. Furthermore, the population
has ignored the need to wear masks since they were no longer mandatory. To be 33rd in this list is
utterly shameful. Clearly it would have even been much worse without the early arrival of the

Nevertheless, "Didn't we do well, getting vaccines early and getting sufficient supplies" will be the
slogan that will win the next General Election. You will not hear much about the overall death count
and the comparison of that with the whole of the continent of Europe.