Quote Originally Posted by Returnofrros View Post
Propaganda is powerful b cram, ignorance is bliss that's a major stumbling block.

But this **** comes Doon to such a low level, a clubby in Dundee is insisting on proof of vaccination for Hogmany, but not for Xmas or any other Saturday......work that oot.....maybe it's the hoots man virus.

Mark Drakeford dancing aboot like a numpty at some Asian community centre maskless but threatening a whole country to put their mask on or he'll lock them up.

I honestly think the leak to mail on sunday was to test public opinion.....ie yes let's get rid of this crap or no no no we need "protected"......Johnson's govt just follows the polls.

Austria locking up the "unvaccinated".....incredible.

Heartened by massive protests down under and Italy especially.

And DFC related I've got a niggling doubt we may miss out on derby crowd.
In my opinion Mark Drakeford is another useless politician who says “Do as I say not as I do”.
In the past could have got away with it but with lots of people filming on their mobile phones and Internet sites he can’t get away with it.
If correct Drakeford should resign.