Quote Originally Posted by mickd1961 View Post
Where to start with all of this.

The only thing I can think of that I don't think has been suggested before is to set up official asylum application centres in various Eu countries which we help to fund.

Safe havens that are properly policed with all the services people need including heath centres and help from ALL nations with official staffing and help with applications.

People then apply for the country they want to stay in with each country agreeing to take an annual number of people based on their land mass AND that only people with a right to stay or with exceptional circumstances being allowed to repatriate.

It has to be made clear there is NOT A SINGLE PENNY on offer to anyone who enters illegally and that they will be returned back to where they started out from.

If you don't actually "manage" a problem it becomes a bigger problem.

The French police watching illegals get on boats is criminal and disgusting.

Par for the course with the surrender monkeys!

We need to be tougher. Gun boats need to patrol the channel and any illegals need to be towed back to where they came from ie France!

It’s illegal for starving kids in this country to shop lift for food. What part of Illegal does no one understand?