I know all Barnsley fans want to see the team do well but after the success of last season with Val and the high press system the players enjoyed the win bonuses and looked to be enjoying the system.Then at the end of the season because no players were sold the owners although they know next to nothing about football changed the system to a more passing game.This put an end to the success of last season and an end to any winning bonuses because without any experienced players to help the young players their heads drop and the rot sets in.I think maybe the players have lost any confidence they may have had with the club and are now just playing their contracts out to get away as soon as possible.I would doubt if any of the players would even think of signing a new contract with these owners in power.Also I can’t think any player in his right mind would even think about joining the club under the present conditions.It will not make one bit of difference getting the new head coach in and I do feel sorry for him but the writing is on the wall we are going to be relegated and if these owners remain in power it will not stop at the 1st div.
I know that some supporters will say that the players are paid to do a job and should put 100% into their game but after being stabbed in the back by the owners and a lack of experience in the team I can understand why there is a lack of confidence in the team.The sooner these owners clear off and we can go back to being a normal football club again.