Quote Originally Posted by asturianblanco View Post
we are 4 points off the top half of the table, 7 points off the bottom 3, ok, not as good as last season, but staying up for me is good enough this year, keep building slowly, next season, the kids will be 1 year older too, seems to me thats where we are investing, so we have to trust in the plan.
Its ok for WTF to play fantasy football, but we must understand, the game has moved on incredibly fast, we shop at ASDA, whilst its not poundland, its not marks&sparks either. Buying players in the 20-30M bracket is a gamble, sometimes it pays off, sometimes you get lemons. Reality is required. top 6 players cost 50-100M.

I'll just add;
Movement of significant sums of money between countries, from one currency into another, there are also some hidden variables which can make a serious impact on the figures involved when contemplating transfers negotiations & terms of payment.

Players from America or Europe, even merchandise sales in the Far East, any sponsorship deals in America/Europe, the money involved is always at the mercy of fluctuating exchange rates.

So for Rad & co - quite a few issues managing club risk balanced with the right kind of hedging funds in place for sure.

Anyone who is involved in moving large sums of money internationally should consider a complete 'health check’ when it comes to their approach to foreign exchange rates at the moment - January window not exactly 'massive' world wide is it regarding player movement.