Think we’ ve made some progress on the communications front as a club, supporters, fans groups and Supporters Liaison Officer over the last couple of weeks. The door has opened, there is dialogue and it is a start though there’s much to do and plenty room for improvement.
I was pleased to see in my inbox this morning correspondence from the Trust who are looking for feedback from members and carrying out a bit of a consultation exercise. I’ve already sent my return in and would urge as many fellow members to do so also.
It would I think be beneficial to all parties if more people joined the Trust and took part in things like this. It’s much easier for people to collate feedback and take collective points of view when issues are being discussed and addressed than everyone all the time adopting a ‘spray and pray’ approach over a host of social media platforms with nothing tangible to show.
I’m hopeful this ‘new world’ approach of Club, SLO, DSA and D4L talking regularly and working together might make it much easier for them all and actually benefit the club, it’s custodians and it’s supporters but time will tell.
I wish the team well for Sunday, it would give everyone a massive lift if they win, it’s a big ask but anything is possible.
Let’s keep the door open and keep talking, we all want better than this on and off the park.
Over and out.