Just been in town for a pint with a few of mates and my son. I was approached by a poster on here and asked if I’m pocket rocket.
He told me who he was started conversation off ok then went in because I disagreed with him to say us happy clappers are the reason we don’t progress as a club and Warne gets away with stuff because of people like me apparently were all cheerleaders for Warne 😊. He was clearly worse for wear and a bit of a tit tbh. When he reads this hopefully he will be embarrassed probably not though. Luckily for him I’m in a chilled out mood today. Some people should avoid alcohol.

Got me thinking though it’s also been said that we accept mediocrity from the club because we’re used to it. Not sure I agree with that just because I guess us happy clappers don’t t come on slating every one doesn’t mean we accept poor performances.

His point in Warne is interesting cause when I asked him who could do a better job he said loads but couldn’t name a replacement.
Not actually sure happy clappers exist just some of us try to remain objective and positive. It’s interesting cause YAK and I disagree quite a lot but both are true supporters who just want the best for the club.