3 bottles o' wine outstandin' fae previous comps ... Ah'm determined these will be won, so some wee amendments tae the usual rules ... so read and choose wisely

The 3 bottles up for grabs are: Bramble and Elderberry (bottled Dec 2021), Bramble an' Orange (bottled Feb 22), and Apple and Pineapple, previously won by nice1simmy and returned to the 'pot'

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As usual, you can nominate ONE player you believe likely/capable of putting the ball in the net for the good guys during our game v St Johnstone (Wed, May 11).

*** The Bramble and Elderberry wine will go to the radge who chooses the scorer of the first Dons' goal.

*** The Bramble and Orange wine will go to the radge who chooses the scorer of the Dons' winning goal (as defined by that goal which takes the Dons' tally to one more than St Johnstone have scored at the end of the game).

... BUT .... should there be no winning goal for the Dons, this bottle will go to the radge who has chosen the scorer of the LAST Dons goal on the day( .... Aye, Ah ken .... prob the first and last on the day ).

*** The Apple and Pineapple wine will go to the radge who nominates the first scorer of two goals on the day.

... BUT ... Should no player score more than one goal, this bottle will revert, in order, to the radge who has chosen the winning goal scorer, last goal scorer then first goal scorer.

AND ... Plan B .... should no nominated player score for Aberdeen, then ... Ah'm so desperate tae dish oot these wines that Ah'll be awardin' them for red and yellow cards!! ... in that order, and in order of bein' flashed (that'll shak up the usual order o' preferences )

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Winner(s) to organise to collect in person, or have another collect on their behalf from Aberdeen city centre.

In order tae enjoy playin like abody else, Ah'll mak a choice .. but nae until at least 3 ithers have made theirs.

.... Over to you..... and good luck.