Someone asked at the Neerav Q&A whether there was any chance of Bassi and Quina returning.

IMO - although these two are good players - they weren’t the players that were needed.
The squad was quite capable of avoiding relegation given a couple of players that were actually needed I.e.
An experienced midfield leader.
A target striker to accompany Morris.

If we could keep all the present squad - and yes I do realise this isn’t going to happen - but if we did, then this squad and the strengthening of those two positions mentioned, then Barnsley would form a formidable force in League 1.
And after watching the rubbish served up at the 1st Division play offs - then I’d tip us to go straight back up.

In other words - we all know it’s coming - but the squad doesn’t really need major changes.
It just needs strengthening in two positions.
And then a head coach that can get the best out of them.