Quote Originally Posted by Returnofrros View Post
Golfers are pretty fit, no many walrus or John Daley types about now.

Curious would you class Dundee mad baiting as sport/pastime/too much time.

Darts and snooker don't really require physical attributes....like curling and bowls.

Golf does.....you swing faster you hit it further makes the game easier and scoring easier.

Takes intelligence to read pace and line of putt.

Takes mental strength to fight inner demons.

Poker face to show no emotion most of the time but a wee fist pump at the right time can annoy the **** oot of an opponent.

And then the all important " I was lucky there, you played well even though I won 5&4" so that you have got completely under the other guys skin and will again **** up in a ball of rage next time.

Golf not a sport ......golf is life.��
Baiting? Me? Never