Quote Originally Posted by postmanpete View Post
I was diagnosed with stomach cancer in February at 64,had a really bad reaction to my chemo last month and ended up spending 13 days in hospital which gave me plenty of thinking time,when my time comes i hope i'm not stuck in a hospital bed for weeks on end or even longer,i would much prefer to have a leathal injection and pass away with dignity surrounded by loved ones,on a brighter note although my cancer is not curable it is treatable so should have a few years left and had no reaction to my last chemo 17 days ago so feeling pretty good at the moment.
Really sorry to hear that Pete. I remember the shock when my father was first diagnosed with liver cancer.

In all the time I have read your posts on both message boards, the thing that has always stood out is your warmth and great sense of humour.

If possible, keep that up and it will be a huge help to those around you. This may be tougher for them than it is for you.

If you can still make them smile it will probably make you feel better than any medicine.

In the meantime ...fight it with all your might.

Go well my friend.