Quote Originally Posted by sinkov View Post
OK then mon ami, I'll take you seriously and accept the above, but it leaves me completely baffled. You cannot have two more diametrically opposed states than Israel and Egypt, Muslims and Jews, a military dictatorship and a democracy, they have fought wars with each other, another one could break out at any moment, but on Gaza snd Palestinians they are as one. Why is this ? Why do these polar opposites want to incarcerate 2 million people in Gaza ? Why do they do that ?
It's complicated sinkov and I'd need to bore you to death with an essay to give you the full lowdown. Long story short, Turkey and Iran supply arms to Hamas and Hezbollah. One of many reasons is Hamas blew up 13 Egyptian soldiers, so they shut the border post as a reprisal with the consequence of trapping two million Palestinians on the Gaza Strip.

The Egyptians play fast and loose with the Rafah border crossing for entry and exit into the Gaza Strip, which is the only passage to the outside world for the residents of the coastal enclave that is not controlled by Israel.

To give you an example: CAIRO NEWS Report – 1 August 2022: The Egyptian Authorities confirmed Monday that Rafah Border Crossing is still open in both directions for the entry of passengers, and aid to Gaza Strip. Visas are however almost impossible to get hold of.

It is further noted that the crossing had been exceptionally opened in May 2021 in the aftermath of Israeli raids on Gaza to allow the entry of aid to the strip as well as Palestinian patients for treatment in Egypt. Kind of them.

It must be horrendous being incarcerated on the Gaza Strip relying on the Israelis to provide essential utilities like water, electric, gas and telecommunications.

I seem to recall Tony Blair claiming he could and would solve the problem, the world still waits unfortunately.