Quote Originally Posted by Swissclaret View Post
And therein lies the nonsense of the “first past the post” system whereby a Party can be elected where more people voted against it rather than for it. Obviously BT, you are a Labour supporter, or have been. That means that your vote counts for nothing at the moment in a so-called democracy.

I really do believe that Britain would make far more progress with consensus politics that many other countries use. If, on a cross party basis, it is agreed to bring back grammar schools, for example, it ceases to be a one party policy and reflects more what the people want or don’t want.

The politics in Britain is too binary - you are either Tory or Labour and never the twain shall meet. That hampers the progress of the country.
Not for much longer Swiss, when Labour take over they'll bring in PR, which will be rigged, sorry designed, to ensure we never have a Tory government again. That's what so laughable about the current Not The Conservative Party fighting like rats in a sack. The Great British public will never elect a divided party, they are condemning themselves to oblivion, and they really don't seem to realise it, or if they do, they don't care.