5-600 said to be going on Saturday. Unfortunately, I won't be one of them as I'm spending 2 weeks in the Costa del Sol. That apart, are we looking forward to the experience of the Alex's first trip to Barrow in 50 years? The Bluebirds have not one, not two but 3 former Alex players amongst their number. Mark Ellis probably won't play but the other 2 might. Billy Waters has previous in the returning player stakes, scoring against us for Cheltenham and I wouldn't be surprised if he did it again. However, the other, George Ray, intrigues me. In Alex red he often popped up at the back post and scored a goal. Yet, he suffered from believing he was actually a better ball-player than he actually was. This, in addition to his meandering attention span occasionally led to a clanger offering up goalscoring opportunities for the opposition. Add to this a bit of a temper and he is ripe for a bit of Sambou treatment. I'm not suggesting Bass is underhand in any way, just that he can be a bloody nuisance at times, to other defences (he may actually get around to scoring again, sometime, too!)
Anyway, there is an element of unpredictability attached to this game so I can't decide: a 1-0 win or a 3-0 loss!😬