Call me naive, styoopit even ... but ... is our club maybe too big for a fans buy-out? I doubt if anyone wants Stewart Milne to be anywhere near Pittodrie, let alone any rebranded committee. What if regular season ticketers withheld their allocation in favour of shares? What if guys like myself, who cannot attend even occasionally, wished to buy a share or two or ...

Pardon me, I keep reading folks desires to get Milne etc out of the club followed by the question 'who will buy him out?' ... focussing on a single, mythical, rich Dons sympathetic individual. ... and it ain't happenin' .. !

Correct me if I am wrong, but the income from ticket sales alone is around 3 - 4 million quid per annum.

If that could be paid as a mortgage on a new stadium, it would be buying, over 25 years, a facility worth about 40M now, and about 200M in 25 years time.

That is disregarding sponsorship, development grants, income from advertising,corporate events, concerts, other venue hire income, film rights, sale of Pittodrie (should this still be an asset) ...

Building costs more than met via the above (fantasy) buyout? ... Future efficiency measures can be implemented ... solar panel the entire roof! .. have the floodlights mounted on Wind turbines (plenty wind at the beach!) ... use stored energy to minimise energy costs to club, but also provide underfloor heating to sections of ground in colder months to mak the matchday experience less fvckt-up!