Quote Originally Posted by boingy View Post
It was you I was thinking of 55. There’s nothing wrong with having a creative approach to remembering things. The trouble with school curriculums is that they have a rigid path. Most exams are just memory tests. People with a photographic memory are then top of the class. If you had to just think on your feet and work something out on your own a lot of those with photographic memories might then be seen to be clueless. Intelligence is measured in many ways.
The number of very successful people (rather interestingly, mostly those with their forte in the arts) who did not do well in the "traditional" English education system is rather impressive. Not just them though, many kids who would today be classed as being on the autistic spectrum,with aspergers syndrome for example, would have been seen as being "difficult" or "rude" back in the day with some even ending up in borstals-just because they had sensory issues and processed the world differently. Certainly didn't/doesn't make them "thick". Intelligence does indeed come in many forms and it's quite legitimate to argue that many of human-kind's advances were made by those with the capacity to "think outside" the traditional "box".