Quote Originally Posted by offshore_arab83 View Post
nae plans of changing manager or SD

cost base needs reducing and he has no plans to put in any additional money

says hes committed to the club and isnt looking at selling, business wise he is happy as seemingly we're in a good place

someone told MO he didnt have a clue and he disagreed

best one for me is this though...we are in a better position than we were 5 years ago, i cant believe the doom and gloom around the club, the success is down to Tony's work and he is my man ( OYF )

Actually, nah, this is the best bit 'it's not the end of the world if we get relegated because we will come straight back up'

Feck that's some swing from #United in Pursuit to #United we may go down but it'll be alright we'll bounce back anyway WHEN we do

after all was only 4 years last time Wow...

Guess must need a few contracts to expire then..