I have been asked by the DUSF Steering Group to convey this sales pitch to those members considering cancelling their membership or to encourage more to join up, and have a real say in the running of the club. Unhappy at the presentation at the AGM and the DUSG meeting, especially when questioned about spiralling Administration costs, they sought a private audience with Mark Ogren, where over a Special Biryani, he was put in no doubt, that unless concerns were addressed, then there would be a suspension of contributions to the club. They wish to say that they appreciate that he was willing to meet. It seems the events of the last few days have been the result of pennies dropping in Mark Ogrens head, and the loss of the money coming from the Foundation shows the power that over 2100 members have, and may face been a factor. Just think if we could double the membership, what we can do to help the Club we all love. Join, and join in the discussions on the Foundations group page. DUSF.Scot

Who knows what else might follow or whether we can arrest the slide. At least we may have a slight chance rather than none.