Everyone knows we've been pretty poor for a while. 1 win in 7, not scoring, conceding poor goals, our press has disappeared...all those things and more.

But, this isn't a 'complaint' thread. I think most of us are pretty phlegmatic about the whole thing. We were over-achieving and, fantastic though it was, reality is beginning to bite. And, despite most of us thinking at the beginning of the season that top 8 and a cup run would be a good season to build on-and it still is-it's natural to feel a bit disappointed when we were doing so well.

We could, of course, go on another run like the one that saw us win, what was it, six games in a row? So, I guess thatt's what this thread is about...how do we get back to something approaching that form?

Personally, I think Gordon and Isak need to come in for Miggy and Wilson. Different types of players, true, but we've become too predictable down the right with Miggy and Wilson is currently doing his best Emmanuel Riviere impression. Something needs to change and we can't just hope that those two suddenly re-find their early season form.

It almost seems like sacrilege to say it but, if he's fit, I'd like to see targett given a run at LB.

I also think we need to get back to the press that was so instrumental in our success and served us so well-I'm not entirely sure why our tactics in that regard seem to have changed.

Like i say, this isn't about criticism, it's about finding answers-and enjoying having a discussion about our team. I've seen some of our 'uber-fans' on Twitter having a witch-hunt on anybody who dares criticise Miggy but the evidence is there for us all to see that, currently, we've got the 'old' Almiron playing for us,

Anyhoo, thoughts?