A few things.

1. Why no cash gate for shankly, can do it for away fans why not home.

2. I do feel my season ticket is being devalued especially if all home games now £15 but I do want as many people in Dens as possible

3. Reduction in £15 for adult season ticket reduces gap with adult concession ( good) but why make cut off date 7th of April, surely it cud have been kept at original 5th May or preferably week after.

4. Season ticket will be cheaper per game in premier than championship.......the premier price just dips below £20 per game.

So overall good that they seem to have admitted over pricing but only for a fortnight apparently.

Bad no cash gat in shankly.

Good gap between adult and adult concession reducing

Bad my season tic being devalued, good that they are trying to get more folk in......a crowd of around 6k is a big difference to 4.5.