Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
So you are saying DCFC don't have any debts?
That you can brush away offers for clubs and tell players you are going no where?
Wow you must be the only club outside of Manchester that can do that then,

In fact Skybet has Derby down as champions. I suggest you run along quickly to the bookies and snap their hand off.
I suggest you be somewhat less condescending in someone else's house.

Debts? If you had bothered to read ALL of my post you would see that we still owe Arsenal part of the transfer fee. The EFL is happy we have paid our bills and have made a profit on last season. I could have gone on to explain that, like any company, there will be invoices received that haven't reached their due date, not for great amounts but a small "debt".

Yes, we are in a position where we can choose who we sell and for what price. Bielik will go, possibly to Brum, if they can sort their financial mess out. He's probably the one player we'd let go "on the cheap". He doesn't want to be here as it negatively affects his International career prospects. Warne knows and understands that and has said so. For the first time in a long while we are in a position where cheapskate offers for players can be laughed at and turned down. Not only are we in a healthy financial position, we will, again, sell well more than 20K season tickets and will again see crowds in the upper 20K's. No more selling the family jewels for a tanner to pay wages.

We have north of £6M in the kitty with more to come.

Skybet? They are far from the only ones who have us down as favourites for the title. Most, if not all, of the other firms also have Derby at between 5/1 and 6/1.

As I said in another post, we currently have 14 players. We need a dozen more in order to have wiggle room in the rotation department and avoid running out of steam again.