From a personal point of view I can’t think of anything much more scary than being in a small pressurised tube 2.4 miles underwater.

It wasn’t until my first MRI scan that I ever suffered claustrophobia, I can’t comprehend how people have the mental resilience to cope with an adventure such as this?

I heard experts saying that they’d have known nothing about their end as it would’ve all happened in a millisecond, that in itself is hard to comprehend……to die instantly in between breaths.

I hope they did, to have had even a few seconds to live and to contemplate if water started to leak in prior to the implosion would be horrific beyond words.

Interesting that non of the people dealing with the tragedy would discuss the retrieval of the bodies, my summation is that any implosion would’ve probably destroyed each body?

A really sobering story this has been for me, I’m actually scared at the thought of cruising and sleeping on a boat, I’ve always feared this more than flying.