Have any of you come across this?

One of my daughters has been through a terrible time with this growing problem.

My wife and I have been praying she’d rid herself of the vermin that attached himself to her a couple of years ago, like a cross between a leech and a cancer.

This bloke literally hid from my wife or myself if we popped around to our daughter’s house individually or as a couple…….a total coward.

She’s finally kicked him out and some of the stuff that’s now coming out from her is horrendous.

The depths these narcissists will stoop to to control and ruin a partner’s self esteem and self confidence is beyond contemptible.

If this pond life goes anywhere near my daughter or grandson again I will cause him more damage than he’s ever caused her, I’ll do time for this loathsome c u n t.

There is some very sick men ( and women ) out there.

Have any of you seen your kids or grandchildren suffer from this type of coercive partner?