Felt an urge to comment tonight as i've been in Leeds on business of late and like everyone have been following developments around ER.

Obviously i still read the forum but certainly am not in agreement with all opinions expressed of late.

The spin suggests we've now people in who actually can pull the financial strings (aka Marathe and Cline Thomas) - both thrive under pressure, apparently.

They'll trust their judgments to evaluate a situation and will act decisively, hopefully now saving us all the mental stress which obviously conveys well with Farke's football philosophy.
Everything that the Rads PL regime lacked.

For older fans similarities of our past chairmen traits of Reynolds, Morris, Woodward, Cussins, Silver & Fotherby spring to mind.

In this respect we as Leeds fans hold a special position again because we are the cynosure of all eyes at all times.
One would hope the current Board now know that and can deliver more positivity going forward.

So more positives through my eyes and ears now that i've been in town talking and listening to folks.