Must be a slow news day as one of the current stories is around the number of dogs bought as puppies during the covid lockdown being brought into dog re-homing centres by owners who can't cope. Is this not old news now?

Owning a dog-or any animal-comes with responsibilities and must fit in with life styles. So many people got puppies with no eye to the future and obviously no or little research. Living where I do, which is a popular area with dog walkers, it has been clear that many took on dogs that should not have as they have both little control over them and scant regard for others and their dogs. This isn't breaking news though surely?

The report mentions also the age of the dogs now but, again, this is not news to anyone who has ever had a dog. When they get to between 2 1/2 -3 they are reaching their more troublesome ****age years and are more demanding but training and perseverance is all that is generally needed. Unfortunately, many owners don't have this and this is why the majority of dogs handed into re-homing centres are of this age group by owners who "cannot cope". This was just as true before lockdown as it is now.

This, coupled with the increasing incidents of dog attacks, really should lead to a rethink about dog ownership in this country. Some form of licencing perhaps-but it has to be one that is not overly expensive as the vast majority of owners are loving and responsible who already spend a small fortune on food and insurance as it is. Then again, I guess the fee also has to cover admin costs and, like anything else, no point bringing in legislation if it cannot be realistically enforced. Maybe we should just leave it as it is but be far firmer on prosecuting illegal/unscrupulous breeders and those whose dogs are deemed not under control? What do others think?