Asian sounding male calls me
"Hello. Am I speaking with @@@@ @@@@@?"

Who's calling?

"good afternonn @@@@ @@@@@. I won't take up much of your time. How are you today?"

Sorry who is this?

"Blah Blah Blah"

Sorry I am deaf who is this?

"I am calling from UK home"

UK phone?

"No I am call from UK home"

Fall? I haven't had a fall

"Not fall! CALL! I am calling from. . . .!

Sorry you have to speak up I can't hear you

"I am call from UK Home. I hope it is convenient .........."

Obedient???? I don't understand. Why do I have to be obedient?

"No ... I ,,, am ......"

I can't hear you and don't understand why you want me to be obedient??

"Can you hear me now? I am call from UK ...... HOME I hope it is convenient......."

I don't understand obedient? Why......

"Can you hear this MR @@@@ @@@@@ **** OFF - JUst **** OFF"

No you you scammy bastid..