I thought all players had an acceptable game, particularly 2nd half.
Mowatt surprised me, as did Grady. The latter took a while to settle in and maybe was ‘knocked off the ball’ too easily. However, he was prepared to take players on and continually threatened.
Similarly Sarmiento was creative and again looked dangerous.
Philips did his job and Molumby showed spirit as ever.
A clean sheet (thanks to Palmer’s penalty save) reflected a decent defensive performance, so no real complaints other than wishing Bartley would keep his arms down ! To be fair to him, he showed some bottle dealing with his blood (nose ?)
AJ looked keen to take the ball forward and started a number of attacks and Pieters was solid.
Asante held his end up well, given their six foot six+ Centre half sitting on him throughout the game. He will be disappointed with his missed header.
All in all, we left the ground a lot happier than the result may have suggested.

PS Interesting that Townsend got the Captaincy ?