Just read the latest Dee4Life Newsletter. an excellent read with a well timed plea to pay your £10 and join Dee4Life. Coming on the back of an excellent night at Cammy's Testimonial, good result against St Mirren and a team that has obviously got some quality and determination about it, and a youth group of sup[porters that should be encouraged, things seem to be heading in the right direction.
Buying back Dens must be a step towards a credible plan B if Campy doesn't materialise, now all we need is getting supporters back into Dens. It was really great to actually feel the love for the legends who turned out to support Cammy. Had forgotten the Juan Sara Sara, whatever will be, will be, gave United three, Juan Sara Sara, song. We need to move on and get behind this team and this manager. Some new songs for the current team would be a great addition and hopefully the SE Section can come up with some.