yes they got docked 10 points but this may only be the start for them.

Saw a post on social media and if its true Everton are completely screwed

The Premier League rules and judgement states that if any other team feel as though Everton had an unfair sporting advantage over them because of their cheating, then they can seek compensation.

So Burnley can sue them for £100m after they were relegated in 21/22
Leicester can sue them for £100m after they were relegated in 22/23

Also every team that finished below them (18 in total) over the last 3 years spanning 4 seasons will be entitled to roughly £2.2m per place they would have been higher in the PL

PLUS any team that Everton beat during this time can also sue them if 3 points would have had that team higher up in the table whilst Everton cheated and had an unfair sporting advantage

Plus clubs like Leicester that were beaten by Everton in this period they had an unfair advantage. Leicester can contest that 3 additional points they lost to Everton would have had them qualify for the Champions league and all that extra money

ooof this could be the begining of the end for them and possibly FFP

Surely clubs like Chelsea and Forest will fail FFP with their spending