A striker, a right winger and a CB, in that order, for me.

Wilson is injured every season and is getting/ is too old to lead the attack consistently and Isak, it would appear has GLASS FUCKING LEGS!!...ahem...cough...sorry for shouting

Miggy? Well Miggy is just a bit shit right when you need him not to be. His shitbess in the key moments is admirably consistent but an upgrade is needed. Obviously, he's capable of bits of magic, too, and he's due one of his runs which make you regret writing him off, but...well...I bet most finding themselves reading this and nodding in agreement if not being happy about it.

Lascelles has done really well...up to a point but some of the goals we've conceded recently have exposed his weaknesses.

Be nice to have some pace and creativity in midfield, too.