Quote Originally Posted by upthemaggies View Post
I don't think it will happen but there has to be a slight concern that Burchnall will return, seeing that he was spotted (and recorded) at Meadow Lane recently.
When Burch arrived, it almost felt like we'd got a Steve Evans type in comparison to Ardley, but LW then showed that there really wasn't much difference between Burch and Ardley.
If you have a larger than life owner then it makes more sense to have a reserved character in the dugout, you need that balance, but with the owners we've got I really do feel we need somebody with a bit of oomph who can rally the troops.
Won't be easy to fill LW's boots - whoever it is and whatever his credentials - with the comparisons that will inevitably be made.
As I said earlier in this thread, perhaps JOB as assistant would be effective at balancing out a more reserved or inexperienced head coach. Birchnall had Doyle last time, who didn't seem to do or say anything. Polar opposite to JOB.

Not that I'd particularly want Birch back. He left us for FGR for god's sake.