Well, if my memory serves me right then Rovers were awful earlier in the year and ended the match lucky to have 9 on the pitch.
However, as bad as they were we couldn't bury them. Since then there has been a change of management (I think) and results have improved a little.
It's another of those games where relative team positions suggest the Alex should win. But as Salford showed, you can't rely on that.
As for line up, it's going to be difficult as we seem to have a wealth of options at the back, quite a few deep in midfield and then quite a few options at the front. However the difficulty lies in a creative link that's missing from the middle. This situation often causes a huge gap between back and front and why sometimes the Alex resort to the long ball.
Also, the numbers we have in the various departments suggests that 4-3-3 is not viable. So are we reverting to 3-5-2 or would we match Tranmere with a 4-4-2? It will depend, largely, on whose available ( i.e. will Charlie start or be on the bench, if even in the squad?). Have either Tracey or Rowe done enough recently to warrant starts?
We can assume that Booth, Mickey, Rio, Offord and Nev's names are already on the teamsheet. Austerfield, Turns and Long (?) will probably play. That leaves 3 to fill. A lot hinges on plans for Offord for the rest of the season. We all marvelled at his N'Golo Kante role in midfield but having brought in 2 midfielders who like to play deep, in addition to Thomas, it is probable that they'll want to play him at the back. But is that in 4 or a three? And what about Billington? Lots of good games and a (seemingly, as I wasn't there) slump against Salford.
So, how about a( somewhat defensive looking) line-up of:
Booth; Billington, Turns, Mickey, Rio;
Austerfield, Thomas;
Nev, Long
So 4-1-2-1-2 /4-1-2-3.
Charlie if he's fit/available could easily fit back into that line-up to replace either Rowe or Long as could Holicek.
Prediction? Due a draw 1-1, Long (he's also overdue.