Just back.
What a second half. A good game of football and we had the c*nts rattled.

We started off badly, very badly and when they scored everyone was thinking, here we go again.

We came in to it more, but poor decision making and this passing it back shyte was killing us.

Could be more surprised in the second half, we looked like a team and got right in their faces. What a ball from Polvara for the Miovski goal.

We played well as a team in the second half with everyone doing their job. If I have one gripe it was bringing on Duk. I like the loon, but clearly not in the right frame of mind to be playing football just now.

Giving my MOTM to Miovski today, not just for the finish, but for his all round game. He lead the line well.

Not a cat in hells chance either that mank b@astards we played today or their bigoted cousins are getting a sniff.

Barron, Polvara and Shinnie also excellent in midfield and I thought we looked balanced at the back. Shytr goal to concede though.

Like I have said many times, I think we have a more than capable players, just need the right manager to come in and work some magic.