I read news today that someone has petitioned Parliament to try to get enough support for the 65’s and over to be retested.

Maybe someone could petition for re tests of everyone aged between 17 and 30 because most of the terrible driving I see is from this sort of age demographic!?

I’ll readily admit that at 62 I’m not as sharp as I used to be but I’ve still avoided a couple of terrible potential crashes this year thanks to my reflexes.

I’m a much steadier, thoughtful and slower driver than I used to be, I very much still to speed limits on everything other than the motorways these days and even on there I only tend to do around 75mph.

Everyone who drives should be made to take a regular eye test though, my eyesight was poor at 24 and I had to wear contact lenses, age isn’t always the determining factor with eyesight.

A health and medication check should be done on all drivers over 50 but re testing is just nonsense in my opinion unless someone has been involved in a serious incident.