When I lived in Weir, between Bacup and Burnley not only was I a regular season ticket holder but my whole family had them. We saw Burnley rise from the 4th division to the prem but moved abroad and relinquished our excellent seats in the Bob lord stand just behind the 100 Club. I Spent years in exile in greece and france but I'm now back living east of Huddersfield. Now a pensioner on reduced funds i can't afford to follow the team i love to the same extent, one or two games a season is the best i can manage, last season's choice was QPR, sod's law to pick our only home defeat. I suppose what i'm trying to say is that if i still lived in Weir i'd be over every other weekend watching the Clarets through thick and thin. I am jealous of you guys who live on Turf moor's doorstep.But, on a brighter note i may be moving to ramsbottom which promises more turf visits. just thought I'd share this hope. When Saturday comes..