Obviously the jury is very much still out on SM and a few results need to be strung together to bring the atmosphere back to where it was months ago, but I think we can put a couple of rumours (some of which have become as good as fact on here based on little or no evidence) to bed.

The players are not trying for Maynard because he is too small / has too annoying a voice / doesn’t know how to speak to footballers and /or There was a dressing room bust up as players who have played at a higher level have rebelled against Maynard and his staff, on behalf of the entire squad.

I've always thought the not trying was a silly one as the effort has clearly been there. There have actually been some improvements in this regard like our players now try to block crosses at source and they shout at each other in the pleasingly manly style when a runner is not tracked or a pass is misplaced. There were also a few primal screams from our players at the final whistle. They are trying.

Regarding the bust up, a few posters (including regulars) implied they knew what happened but couldn't say anything, and alluded to the seriousness of the incident. Last night Jodi Jones hugged Maynard at the final whistle and they walked on the pitch with their arms round each other and big smiles on their faces.

Maybe people were telling the truth, a bust up really happened but now they're over it. Maybe a bust up never happened and was invented to harm Maynard's reputation and others went along with it and pretended to be in the know to get Internet clout. Who knows?

Jatta is lightweight, can't score with his head, is not L2 standard, and is only here as an accounting formality to enable us to route a 150k charitable donation to Viborg.

Bullet header for his first and emphatic finish for his second. He must now be our most prolific goalscorer per minute on the pitch (albeit from a tiny sample size) and looks an all round great addition.

He gives us an extra dimension. He doesn't win that many headers from our goal kicks but he poses a big problem for centre halves as they have to wrestle him while they're heading it, inatead of picking a pass with their header. This means we have a lot higher chance of picking up the second ball. He is lightning quick and if a defender gets rolled as we saw last night, they are not going to get anywhere near him for a recovery tackle.

He even got a foot in a couple of times while pressing and turned possession over.

What happened in the second half last night is why I said the morning after the Crawley game I would've liked to see him come on to play on the counter with Macca. Slide him a decent ball to run on to and he will make life very uncomfortable for defenders. The 'Gambian beauty' could still turn our season around if we play to his strengths.