Quote Originally Posted by MarcusCole View Post
How many times do we have to do that goal kick process before they realise it does nothing? Slocombe to cameron, back to slowcombe who the walks up the pitch before hoofing to to no one. They will alway do that because they are too stupid to think about what they are doing.

Those two are abosolute f*cki*g garbage. I see some are defending Slocombe; why, he is f*cki*g garbage? His distribution is an absolute f*cki*g joke, there is no urgency in his play. When he went down injured I was half way hoping between a seaon ending injury and a career ending one. A good keeper would start the build up to a new play, him, he just hold on to the ball until the opposition have sorted themselves out and are ready for us.

As for Maynard, heis soout of his depth it is embarrassing, he doesn't even reailse how bad we were today. In his interview claiming we were the better side, promising same old same old for the rest of the season. There is no hope for a turn around, attendance is going to plummet if he stays.
Even worse Notts paid compensation for SM, what does SM bring to the table,