Quote Originally Posted by Davy500 View Post
How the hell is it Slocambes fault, robinson should have surely looked before the back pass, thats just basic stuff
Also this is totally on recruitment they knew they needed a better goal keeper for L2 and slocambe was told he was a number 2 basically, yet here slocambe still is because the others were worse, again hardly slocambes fault
Exactly, The first rule of the pass to the keeper is to not pass it directly towards goal. Slocombe made himself available so as the ball wasn't going to head towords goal. Robertson passed it towards goal that luckily hit the post, not what Slocombe was expecting. He had no chance, but why didn't Baldwin react the same as the goalscorer as he was holding him seconds before then can be seen walking over as he scores!!! It was a comedy of errors again!!!

The second one was all Slocombe though