I think that it must be dawning now on TS that in order to make RUFC a sustainable championship club some serious investment needs to go into its infrastructure that is even before considering player recruitment. He has
5 choices
1. Just carry on as he has and leave the club to chance .
2. Invest in infrastructure at the cost of player recruitment
3. Invest in players at the cost of infrastructure improvement.
4. Pack in and sell
5. Take more investors on board.

I suspect that what LR, MT, colin and even Warney hinted to him that.we.need to.get the basics right might have started to hit home.

Next year what he should do in my opinion is to tell the fans we are going to.improve training facilities probably at the expense of player recruitment. It will need to be a reasonably plan not some sort of patch up if he is to sell this to the fans.

On the pitch he then needs to say we are not.likely.to bounce straight back but will do.his best to stabilise the club and change the culture from what it has been and back to more like it was.

I think most fans would take that after this seasons debacle.