We all have absolute fantastic memories of 'Millmoor' I would imagine far too many to put on this site, but feel free if you wish to do so. I have millions. A quick one, my mate and me stayed behind to see Ally Pickering score the winner in a lengthy penalty shoot out against Sc.unthorpe. We missed our ride down the pit shaft at Silverwood at 10pm and we had 2 hours wages stopped as we rode at midnight but we didn't give a damn, we witnessed a first!

The point of my post is, as much as the fall out out with the Booths and Stewart, subsequently seeing us leave our town for four seasons before Stewart brought our club 'back home', isn't it about time she was for want of a phrase laid to rest and let the Booth family redevelop the site to other uses?

Okay, this wont probably go down very well, oh and by the way, I'm not getting anything financially by posting this, the thing is concrete lasts for only so many years. How old is the concrete around the footings of the floodlights for a starter? It's going to start falling down soon even if we don't want it to.

When I visit our 'relatively' new stadium, by modern day standards, I always look across Masborough and see the 'Old girl' and smile but with a view it's about time she left Rotherham's landscape and the total focus could therefore be on the NYS, am I wrong with that feeling?