well let us start with the positives, the club have taken action and have already started work on trying to resolve the issues at Roundwood, this is good news.
I think they should do a deal with someone to get access to 3g/4g pitch or inside facilities for the winter and there are such facilities within south yorkshire. Yes it might mean the players have to travel to another location, so what it isn't like they don't have nice cars. I also think that the club would do themselves a lot of good by coordinating all these activities into a plan and doing a press release of the plan to the fans, and it should include key members of the club in a small launch event, try to show some leadership.

A little tongue in cheek perhaps, but they could always take over this facility https://www.michaelsteel.co.uk/uploa...2_12_93606.pdf
although a little far away it shows there are facilities around, if we wanted them.