Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
The thread is indeed about careless Tories and the topic I brought up, for Comrade Swale was one he rebuffed and ignored, before todger gate.
Immigration is a massive failure on TORY watch and the repercussions are highlighted in that survey. Labour started it, the Tories failed to plug it
Things are going to get real dirty in the UK. We may not see it in our life times, but your kids and grand kids will.
Sorry to not be concentrating on purely slagging Tory sleeze, but it helps to look out the box once in a while.
You and your pilot don't like the subject, but its here, its growing an its a threat.
Failed failed failed
Give it another 25 years if no one acts now.
I have no interest in ‘Comrade Swale’ as you describe him, however his description of more Tory ‘carelessness’ was accurate and this senior Tory MP’s disregard for both his own security and the security of his political colleagues, during his ***ual shenanigans quest, is another to add to the growing list.

You, on the other hand, are obsessed with immigration and Muslim immigration in particular. I’m sure you have a point about the need for a more carefully thought through immigration policy however your desire to hijack every single political thread with anti Muslim sentiment is counter productive and has nothing to do with this particular thread. As I’ve said before…start your own and stop piggy backing others.